祝捷 长聘教授博导














同济大学物理科学与工程学院声学研究所教授,香港城市大学客座教授,教育部国家级人才奖励计划特聘教授。长期系统从事物理声学、结构声学材料等基础前沿研究和应用探索。作为第一作者/通讯作者多次在自然物理Nature Physics,国家科学评论National Science Review、物理评论快报Physical Review Letters,自然通讯Nature Communications等国际顶级学术杂志发表论文。主持承担了中国国家自然科学基金委员会、科技部、教育部以及香港特别行政区政府教资会研资局的多项研究项目。现任中国声学学会理事、中国材料研究学会超材料分会理事、中国声学学会物理声学和教育分会委员、Ultrasonics杂志和Advanced Devices & Instrumentation杂志编委。曾任国际噪声控制工程大会等多个国际会议组委会成员或分会主席。




教育部产学合作协同育人项目:“新型建筑声学超构材料教研实践平台” 。




















• “Acoustic Diode Hits the Perfect Note”, Sarah Wild, Physics.org.

• “Boxes Go Topological for Sound”, Sophia Chen, Physics.org.

• “Bendable Sound Waves Can Skirt Objects, Trap Particles”, Neil Savage, IEEE Spectrum.

• “Bottling Up Sound Waves”, Lynn Yarris, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

• “Acoustic bottle beams hold promise for acoustic imaging, cloaking and levitation”, Colin Jeffrey, Gizmag.

• “Forget cloaks, this invisibility BOTTLE bends sound waves to hide objects”, Ellie Zolfagharifard, Daily Mail Online.

• “'Bottle' Of Sound Waves Could Be Used For Invisibility”, Rebekah Marcarelli, Headline & Global News.

• “Holey Metamaterial Promises High-Resolution Ultrasound Images”, Shana Leonard, Medical Product Manufacturing News, Volume 27, No.1.

• “The Sight of Sound”, Monica Smith, Berkeley Science Review.

• “Novel metamaterial vastly improves quality of ultrasound imaging”, Robert Sanders, UC Berkeley News Center.

• “Ultrasound Imaging Quality Greatly Improved by Unique Metamaterial”, Staff Writer, Medical Imaging International.

• “Metamaterials: Bringing the Magic of Invisibility to Life”, Regina McCarthy, Chemical Engineering Progress.

• “Acoustic superlens a very cool proof-of-principle”, Chris Lee, Ars Technica.


香港城市大学 客座教授

中国声学学会 理事

中国材料学会超材料分会 常务理事

中国声学学会物理声学分会 委员

中国声学学会教育分会 委员

Ultrasonics杂志 编委(Editorial Board Member)

Advanced Devices & Instrumentation杂志 编委(Editorial Board Member)

Physical Review Letters杂志 ad hoc Divisional Associate Editor

Physical Review X杂志 ad hoc Editorial Board member



• D. Wang, H. Gao, Z. Gu, Y. Su, J. Guo, C. Liu, Z. Su and J. Zhu “Realization of inverse-designed underwater acoustic superscattering”, Physical Review Applied, 21, 6, 064011, 2024.

• Y. Chen, L. Fan, J. Zhu, L. An and Z. Su, “Rainbow Energy Harvesting Using A High-order Topological Meta-device”, Nano Energy, 109722, 2024.

• S. An, T. Liu, L. Cao, Z. Gu, H. Fan, Y. Zeng, L. Cheng, J. Zhu and B. Assouar, “Multibranch Elastic Bound States in the Continuum”, Physical Review Letters, 132 (18), 187202, 2024.

• Z. Gu, H. Gao, H. Xue, D. Wang, J. Guo, Z. Su, B. Zhang and J. Zhu, “Observation of an acoustic non-Hermitian topological Anderson insulator”, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 66 (9), 294311, 2023.

• S. Huang, Y. Li, J. Zhu and D. P. Tsai, “Sound-absorbing materials”, Physical Review Applied, 20, 1, 010501, 2023.

L. Fan, Y. Chen, S. An, T. Liu, H. Fan, J. Zhu and Z. Su, “Local-Resonance-Induced Dual-Band topological corner states of fexural waves in a perforated metaplate”, Physical Review Applied, 19, 3, 034065, 2023.

Z. Gu, H. Gao, P. Cao, T. Liu, X. Zhu and J. Zhu, “Transient non-Hermitian skin effect”, Nature Communications, 13 (1), 7668, 2022.

X. Wu, H. Fan, T. Liu, Z. Gu, R.Y. Zhang, J. Zhu and X. Zhang, “Topological phononics arising from fluid-solid interactions”, Nature Communications, 13 (1), 6120, 2022.

Z. Zhou, S. Huang, D. Li, J. Zhu and Y. Li, “Broadband impedance modulation via non-local acoustic metamaterials”, National Science Review, 9 (8), nwab171, 2022.

S. Huang, S. Xie, H. Gao, T. Hao, S. Zhang, T. Liu, Y. Li and J. Zhu “Acoustic Purcell effect induced by quasibound state in the continuum”, Fundamental Research, Online, 2022.

O. You, S. Liang, B. Xie, W. Gao, W. Ye, J. Zhu and S. Zhang, “Observation of Non-Abelian thouless pump”, Physical Review Letters, 128, 244302, 2022.

T. Liu, S. An, Z. Gu, S. Liang, H. Gao, G. Ma and J. Zhu, “Chirality-switchable acoustic vortex emission via non-Hermitian selective excitation at an exceptional point”, Science Bulletin, 67 (11), 1131-1136, 2022.

H. Gao, Z. Gu, S. Liang, T. Liu, J. Zhu and Z. Su, “Enhancing ultrasound transmission and focusing through a stiff plate with inversely optimized auxiliary meta-lens”, Applied Physics Letters, 120 (11), 111701, 2022.

X. Yang, J. Li, Y. Ding, M. Xu, X. F. Zhu and J. Zhu, “Observation of transient Parity-Time symmetry in electronic systems”, Physical Review Letters, 128 (6), 065701, 2022.

Z. Gu, H. Gao, P. Cao, T. Liu, X. Zhu and J. Zhu, “Controlling sound in non-hermitian acoustic systems”, Physical Review Applied, 16, 057001, 2021.

H. Gao, H. Xue, Z. Gu, T. Liu, J. Zhu and B. Zhang, “Non-Hermitian route to higher-order topology in an acoustic crystal”, Nature Communications, 12 (1), 1-7, 2021.

Z. Gu, H. Gao, T. Liu, S. Liang, S. An, Y. Li and J. Zhu, “Topologically Protected Exceptional Point with Local Non-Hermitian Modulation in an Acoustic Crystal”, Physical Review Applied, 15 (1), 014025, 2021.

S. Liang, T. Liu, H. Gao, Z. Gu, S. An and J. Zhu, “Acoustic metasurface by layered concentric structures”, Physical Review Research, 2 (4), 043362, 2020.

H. Gao, Z. Gu, S. Liang, S. An, T. Liu and J. Zhu, “Coding Metasurface for Talbot Sound Amplification”, Physical Review Applied, 14 (5), 054067, 2020.

H. Gao, H. Xue, Q. Wang, Z. Gu, T. Liu, J. Zhu and B. Zhang, “Observation of topological edge states induced solely by non-Hermiticity in an acoustic crystal”, Physical Review B, 101 (18), 180303 , 2020.

H. Z. Chen, T. Liu, H. Y. Luan, R. J. Liu, X. Y. Wang, X. F. Zhu, Y. B. Li, Z. M. Gu, S. Liang, H. Gao, L. Lu, L. Ge, S. Zhang, J. Zhu and R. M. Ma, “Revealing the missing dimension at an exceptional point”, Nature Physics, 16 (5), 571-578, 2020.

J. Zhu, X. Zhu, X. Yin, Y. Wang and X. Zhang, “Unidirectional Extraordinary Sound Transmission with Mode-Selective Resonant Materials”, Physical Review Applied, 13 (4), 041001, 2020. Featured in Physics, Letter

S. Huang, Z. Zhou, D. Li, T. Liu, X. Wang, J. Zhu and Y. Li, “Compact broadband acoustic sink with coherently coupled weak resonances”, Science Bulletin, 65 (5), 373-379, 2020.

Y. G. Peng, Y. X. Shen, Z. G. Geng, P. Q. Li, J. Zhu and X. F. Zhu, “Super-resolution acoustic image montage via a biaxial metamaterial lens”, Science Bulletin, 65 (12), 1022-1029, 2020.

H. Gao, X. Fang, Z. Gu, T. Liu, S. Liang, Y. Li and J. Zhu, “Conformally Mapped Multifunctional Acoustic Metamaterial Lens for Spectral Sound Guiding and Talbot Effect”, Research, 1748537, 2019.

T. Liu, F. Chen, S. Liang, H. Gao and J. Zhu, “Subwavelength Sound Focusing and Imaging Via Gradient Metasurface-Enabled Spoof Surface Acoustic Wave Modulation”, Physical Review Applied, 11 (3), 034061, 2019.

Y. X. Shen, Y. G. Peng, D. G. Zhao, X. C. Chen, J. Zhu and X. F. Zhu, “One-Way Localized Adiabatic Passage in an Acoustic System”, Physical Review Letters, 122 (9), 094501, 2019.

T. Liu, X. F. Zhu, F. Chen, S. Liang and J. Zhu, “Parity-time symmetry beyond one dimension with all passive acoustic metamaterials crystal”, Physical Review Letters, 120 (12), 124502, 2018.

X. Zhu, K. Li, P. Zhang, J. Zhu, J. Zhang, C. Tian and S. Liu, “Implementation of dispersion-free slow acoustic wave propagation and phase engineering with helical-structured metamaterials”, Nature Communications, 7, 11731, 2016.

P. Zhang, T. C. Li, J. Zhu, X. Zhu, S. Yang, Y. Wang, X. Yin and X. Zhang, “Generation of acoustic self-bending and bottle beams by phase engineering”, Nature Communications, 5, 4316, 2014.

J. Zhu, Y. Chen, X. Zhu, F. Garcia-Vidal, X. Yin, W. Zhang and X. Zhang, “Acoustic rainbow trapping”, Scientific Reports, 3, 1728, 2013.

J. Zhu, J. Christensen, J. Jung, L. Martin-Moreno, X. Yin, L. Fok, X. Zhang and F. J. Garcia-Vidal, "A holey-structured metamaterial for acoustic deep-subwavelength imaging", Nature Physics, Vol. 7, 52, 2011.

J. Zhu, W. Cao, B. Jiang, D. S. Zhang, H. Zheng, Q. Zhou and K. K. Shung, “Nano-structured TiO2 Film Fabricated at Room Temperature and Its Acoustic Properties”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol. 41, 16, 2008.