Dr. QiwenZhan is Distinguished Chair Professor in Nanophotonicsat the University of Shanghai for the Science and Technology, and the founder of the Center for Complex Optical Fields and Meta-Optics Structures(COSMOS)center. He received his B.S. from University of Science and Technology of China (1996) and a Ph.D. from University of Minnesota (2002). He
has published 1 book, 9 book chapters, and more than 300 journal and conference publications. He is an Associate Editor for Science Bulletin and PhotoniX, and an Editorial Board Member for Scientific Reports and Chinese Optics Letters, Senior Member of the IEEE, Fellow of Optica and Fellow of the SPIE.
Spatiotemporal sculpturing of light pulses enables ultrafast informationtransmission, energy concentration, and exploration of novel physical effects. In the past decade, more generalized forms of spatiotemporally nonseparable solution started to emerge with growing importance for their striking physical effects. This talk intends to provide the necessary basics on how to sculpture light in the spatiotemporaldomain to realize spatiotemporal structures on demand and highlight some of the recent advances in the creation and characterization of increasingly complex spatiotemporal wave packets. These spatiotemporally separable to complex nonseparable states with diverse geometric and topological structures exhibit unique physical properties during propagation, focusing, and interaction with matter.