近几年在国内外重要学术刊物上发表论文数百篇,在SCI和EI数据库中,以气凝胶(aerogel)为主题发表的论文数量均名列世界前茅。申报国家专利20项。编写专著3部。参与编写国际专著《Aerogels Handbook》(气凝胶手册)和《Handbook of Nanophysics》(纳米物理手册)。
1)Low-temperature preparation of mechanically robust and contamination-resistant antireflective coatings for flexible polymeric glasses via embedding of silica nanoparticles and HMDS modification, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11(40): 37084–37093.
2)Resilient, fire-retardant and mechanically strong polyimide-polyvinylpolymethylsiloxane composite aerogel prepared via stepwise chemical liquid deposition, Mater. & Des., 2019, 183: 108096.
3)Surface free energy and microstucture dependent environmental stability of sol–gel SiO2 antireflective coatings: effect of combined vapor phase surface treatment, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2019, 555: 124–131.
4)Porous alumina aerogel with tunable pore structure for facile, ultrasensitive and reproducible SERS platform, J. Raman Spectrosc., 2019, 50(10): 1429–1437. (Cover Article).
5)Opacifier embedded and fiber reinforced alumina-based aerogel composites for ultra-high temperature thermal insulation, Ceram. Int., 2019, 45(1): 644-650.
6)Ambient pressure-dried graphene composite carbon aerogel for capacitive deionization, Processes, 2019, 7(1): 29.
7)Durable silica antireflective coating prepared by combined treatment of ammonia and KH570 vapor, J. Coat. Technol. Res., 2019, 16(2): 615-622.
8)Preparation of carbon aerogel electrode for electrosorption of copper ions in aqueous solution, Materials, 2019, 12(11): 1864.
9)Synthesis of highly cross-linked uniform polyurea aerogels, J. Supercrit. Fluids, 2019, 151: 8–14.
10)A positive-negative alternate adsorption effect for capacitive deionization in nano-porous carbon aerogel electrodes to enhance desalination capacity, Desalination, 2019, 458: 45‒53.
11)Highly porous carbon xerogels doped with cuprous chloride for effective CO adsorption, ACS Omega, 2019, 4(4): 6138–6143.
《纳米材料的理化特性与应用》 北京,化学工业出版社,2006.1, ISBN 7-5025-7674-6
《纳米材料制备技术》 北京,化学工业出版社,2008.1, ISBN 978-7-122-01193-0
《光电子技术入门》 北京,化学工业出版社,2008.8, ISBN 978-7-122-02646-0
《德汉科技大词典》(副主编) 同济大学出版社 2009.9月出版
《纳米科技基础》,华东理工大学出版社,2005.9,ISBN 7-5628-1794-4/TB.5
《纳米材料》,华东理工大学出版社,2997.1,ISBN 978-7-5628-2010-9/TB.15
《石墨烯-材料之“新宠”》,上海科学普及出版社,2018.1,ISBN 978-7-5427-7117-9